Evaluation of school operations at Austurbæjarskóli
Evaluating school operations is essential for schools to meet the many changes demanded by the external environment. School self-assessment involves systematically gathering information about specific aspects of school operations. The quality of work is then assessed by measuring results against goals or benchmarks. Based on the evaluation, decisions are made to enhance outcomes, establish goals, and develop an implementation plan. The school's self-assessment team oversees work related to self-assessment, creating the self-assessment report and improvement plan. The self-assessment includes an improvement plan and internal evaluation plan.
The assessment team's tasks include defining the team's role and responsibilities as follows:
- Assist school leadership with internal evaluations and provide recommendations to the management team.
- Ensure the evaluation plan is followed and updated.
- Review data, such as surveys and screenings, and suggest improvements.
- Review the improvement plan in the spring and develop proposals outlining completed improvement and development projects, ongoing initiatives, and new projects to launch.
Comprehensive evaluation
In 2017, Austurbæjarskóli was evaluated through a comprehensive external review. The Department of Education & Youth's steering group for comprehensive evaluations conducted the assessment. Data was collected through interviews, on-site observations, focus groups, and the review of school operation documents.
The main objective of the evaluation was: To ensure children in the city thrive, continue to progress, and receive an education that prepares them for life and career readiness. The evaluation supports school operations and complements the schools' self-assessments. The evaluation is based on Reykjavík City’s education policy and other school operation frameworks, including laws, regulations, the national curriculum, and the City’s policies on personnel and human rights.
View the 2017 external evaluation results here.
View the 2017/18 improvement plan following the external evaluation here.
View the 2010 external evaluation results here.