Parent involvement at Austurbæjarskóli

The Austurbæjarskóli Parent Association serves as a forum for parents and guardians to actively shape their children’s school environment and promote successful collaboration among parents, school staff, and students. All parents and guardians of Austurbæjarskóli students are members. Parent representatives participate in the School Council, the Parent Association, and act as class representatives.


Austurbæjarskóli Parent Association

The association aims to strengthen cooperation between home and school and advocate for parents’ perspectives on school matters. It fosters relationships among parents and school staff while increasing parental awareness of school activities. The association also supports cultural and social life within the school. In collaboration with the school, it organizes discussion and educational meetings on parenting and school-related topics. Additionally, it works with other parent associations and organizations to enhance collective efforts.

The Austurbæjarskóli Parent Association, FFAUST, operates a Facebook page as a forum for general discussions on school matters.

  • The Austurbæjarskóli Parent Association’s Facebook page
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Parent Association Guide for Primary Schools

Home and School have issued handbooks for parent representatives at all educational stages. These outline the roles and responsibilities of parent associations and school councils.